Saturday, July 9, 2011

Black Belt!

Grand Master's Tea Ceremony

Essay about what Darimar has done for Jacob

I have learned many things at Darimar Martial Arts but two main things are being stronger and more focused. The first time that I broke a board I started to cry but I was proud when I finally broke it. The second time I broke a board on the first try, I turned around and winked at my mom. I like breaking boards now because it comes easy to me. Also, I am more focused. When I first started Darimar I was always looking in the mirror and goofing off. Now that I am about to get my black belt, I feel that I pay more attention to the Masters and what they are teaching me. I can say that I consider everyone at Darimar my family. The Masters and teachers bring good things to my life.

One of many board breakings for Black Belt

Monday, July 4, 2011

Kaitrin's New Dressing Table

This was a birthday present from Great Grandpa Max. It was made for Great Grandma Babe and passed down to her Great Aunt and now her. Grandma Monica recovered it with some bright fabric and Kaitrin picked out a mirror. Such a big girl now!

Ogallala, NE

Chocolate Milk from a glass jar mug.

CocoKey in Nebraska

The arcade seems to draw us in every time! Here is Kaitrin riding the "motorcycle game".

The kids were amazed by the ice cream novelty vending machine. A vacuum sucked up the ice cream from a chest freezer...and they could have watched it all day.


Great Wolf Lodge - Kansas City