Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chicken Dance

Easter Present from our SC Family.

as promised...

Kaitrin walking on Easter morning.


A bit ago I posted about my serious earring fetish...but like a dingus, I posted the wrong website, well not really a website at all. So, if you liked the earrings that I posted, please visit instead of the email address that I originally posted. (and the rest of her stuff is pretty cool too)

Chocolate Addiction Starts Early

Kaitrin's first chocolate oreo!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

...and she walks

Kaitrin loves to cruise around the furniture. She has even taken to cruising around the walls. Her favorite is grabbing your hands and walking anywhere. After the awkward, stiff leg walk, she actually gets pretty good at balancing from one foot to another. You would think that she doesn't even need the hand that she is holding, because her balance is just that good. So, Mike and I have been trying to slowly remove our hand and let her walk...but the little stinker feels the slightest movement and drops to one knee!

Last night we were in the playroom and Mike was walking with her, towards me, with the same game plan...she took three freakin steps by herself! Mike let go and I was reaching for her but continued to back up and three whole steps came out of her!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Bunny

She hated her hat.
She wasn't sure what the scarf was.
She didn't understand why the white stuff was cold and wet.
She wasn't even sure why it was so bright out.
Overall, it was a pretty confusing experience, but she sure did not want to go back inside!

Snow Man

Jacob has been waiting "like, 100 days" for it to snow! Bundled in any clothes we could find, Jacob got to help shovel, use his snow paints, and play with the neighbor kids. He is a little worried that there may not be enough snow for a snowman, though.

Winter Wonderland

For those of you with no TV or windows, this is what the mid-west looks like right now. That's a whole lot of white!

Big Chair

Kaitrin and Jacob have started a new school. Kaitrin is in an early intervention program for OT and PT. So, in the spirit of change, we decided to put her in a booster chair at the table with us. This picture is Kaitrin at the table for the first time. She was using her spoon, which she does for the first few bites, and then decided that her hand was much faster.

Besides trying to take my food off of my plate and throwing her own food when she decides she is done, it has been working out pretty well.

Into Everything

Kaitrin has learned how to open doors...all doors. It's actually an activity of hers. Open. Close. Open. Close. The pantry door, Daddy's office door, the cabinet doors...

After Kaitrin was done banging the stainless bowls together, she decided to explore the cabinets. I think that she just loves being small...she fits anywhere!

Time to Make the Donuts

As some may know, I was a Dunkin Donut girl back in the day. I filled 'em, I iced 'em and I sold 'em...and ate a bunch too. This is Kaitrin's first cream filled donut (or Pittsburgh Creme as they are known in PA). She managed to eat most of it even though it's as big as her face!