Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Roo

Keeping Roo Calm...with new toys

Jacob's Candy Negotiation

~but I'm hungry
~but it says it's low fat
~but it's strawberry flavored and strawberries are healthy
~but I'll die if I don't eat something now

Nice try Jacob...

Snuggle Jacob

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Little House on the Prairie

My mom made this dress for me when I was 2. It has been passed down (no, I'm not that old) to cousins and then back to Kaitrin. Mom had to hem it so little Roo would fit into it...a good 3 inches!

YUM - Frosting!

Flower Girl Dresses

Kaitrin was pretty happy with the outfit she originally picked out to wear, so she insisted on trying this dress on over it. This is one possibility for a flower girl dress. I am not really worried about what she wears as much as I am about her being agreeable enough to walk down the isle with her brother!

Roo at Christmas

Roo loves her books. This is Christmas in PA.

Roo in her Christmas Dress

Mommy & Roo

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Executive Chef Jacob

Among the many presents that Jacob received, he was pretty excited about his chef coat and hat. He picked them out because he wanted to look like Chef Kevin...minus 3 feet...he is pretty close! Jacob really enjoys cooking in the kitchen. Each week, he gets to make one meal for dinner. He believes that he "makes the best pizza ever!"

Pirate Jacob

Jacob had his friends color pirate bandannas and make beaded pendants. And with a treasure chest cake and great was the "best party ever!"

The Cake Queen

Great Grandpa Max insisted that she needed to learn to swipe some frosting with her we let her.

OOOH - a first taste!

And back for more! As she continued to get more, she realized that she could use two fingers and grab some cake too. Before she decided to take her whole hand and grab for more cake, we took it away and gave her a plate - portion control!

And here is her damage done...

Jacob's 6th Birthday Cake

Inside the cake...

After three cakes and 6 containers of frosting...Jacob has a treasure chest birthday cake!


Jacob wanted to stay up and wait for the PA crew to come in, but ended up falling asleep with the cat on the floor in the family room.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dirt Pudding

Kaitrin smashing the oreo cookies to make the "dirt" for the dirt pudding.

Kaitrin showing off her "slippery worm" that she bit the head off of.

Jacob's Dirt Pudding - with much more oreo cookies than Kaitrin!

Kaitrin's Dirt Pudding - hated the worm but ate ALL of her pudding.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jacob's Airplane

Jacob and his imagination! It figures with all of the toys that we buy him...the empty diaper box occupies the majority of his time!

Pizza Picnic

Jacob made pepperoni pizza for us for dinner. Then, since both kids were so good, they got to have a pizza picnic and watch Bolt.

Snuggle Bunny

Kaitrin in my fleece jacket.

Little Miss Boo-yah!

Kaitrin took Jacob's sparring equipment and had a blast running around...and around and around! "I Booyah, Mommy!"