Sunday, November 28, 2010



Grandpa bought the cutest toy at Cracker Barrel. Each kid now has a jar with a butterfly in it that automatically flutters around the jar when the jar is tapped. Jacob - smart boy that he is - says, "I think it's mechanical!" Kaitrin carries her jar around as though it's a baby doll and her new best pet. She has named her best pet Chickee Poo. She was also nice enough to name Jacob's butterfly - Psycho. Yep, she named it Psycho. You just never know what is gonna come out of her mouth!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

He's SO Sneaky

Monthly Whole Foods Taste Test!

It's the monthly food taste test from Whole Foods! The kids picked pomegranates, persimmons, dates, and lady apples.

I have never worked with persimmon and based on this picture...we ate it wrong! It was VERY starchy and VERY sour! We may need to have them ripen up next time before we go chomping into it!
"Holy Cow, it tastes like a giant raisin!" says Jacob as he tries a date for the first time.

Saturday, November 6, 2010