Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Little Kaitrin at Development Clinic

This is an old picture from Kaitrin's first trip to the development clinic. I thought that she was so adorable in her hospital gown...she didn't fit into a gown or any clothes when she was in the NICU!

Pizza! Pizza!

We have found that if we cut Kaitrin's pizza into bite sized pieces (even though she shoves 10 pieces in her mouth at once) that she refuses to eat. Who knew that she just wanted to be a big girl!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Idlewild Park

We took the kids to Idlewild Park on Sunday. For a boy that hates water, my son sure didn't mind dragging me onto the log jammer ride. Since the State Fair, he has wanted to continue riding rollercoaster type rides...and I was chosen as his "co-pilot".

Smiling for Grandpa

Kaitrin is smiling for Grandpa. She loved asking, "Where's Grandpa?" She had so much fun playing with everyone...walking, puzzles, and hiding in the closet were some of her favorites!

Miss Messy

Jacob's First Day

With a big cheesy smile, Jacob has his new Ben 10 backpack and his Cars umbrella and is headed to class. Amazingly enough, Mom did not cry...how could I? Jacob kept yelling back at me to go home because he was a big boy and could find his classroom all by himself. He only made two wrong turns before he got there. Luckily, his new "girlfriend" is in all day kindergarten and will be able to show him where the bus is for the ride home!