Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It figures...

After 3 days in her new day care, little miss caught a cold, which - of course - turned into an ear infection. Lovely. But after a weekend of daddy love, medicine, and lots of apple juice...she is feeling better and her smile is back on!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

She can escape...

I was in the play room with Kaitrin and Jacob the other day. Jacob playing with Hot Wheels, Kaitrin dumping out her blocks and I was trying to clean. I didn't hear blocks, or musical toys, or even claps coming from the little one. Well, that is because little miss had crawled up the two long stairs from the play room to the hallway and was heading for her room. When did crawling up stairs become a habit of hers? I am going to have to search for the lovely gates that we used to have corralling Jacob into certain rooms. She will have no boundaries soon...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Day

Yesterday was Jacob's first day in Pre-K and Kaitrin's first day in a day-care setting. Yes, it was harder on mom than on either of the kids! Jacob hardly wanted a he went. Kaitrin wasn't sure about her teacher holding her, but once she saw kids her own size and who? She did get a little fussy when it was nap time, but overall she was a happy little camper. And the best part...when I picked her up, she had just the biggest smile on her face! It's my mommy!

Sittin' on Frozen Peas

Man - I guess I just don't remember the pain of the last training session! I ran over 9 miles on Sunday and I am still hurting. Hopefully this week will go better and the peas will get used just a little less.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


So, little miss is not only on the move but now she has acquired super powers that make her invincible...or so she thinks. She pulls up on every unstable object, she feels as though going down the steps is appropriate, and she knows with all of her heart that if she lets go...nothing bad will happen. EXCEPT A BIG WHOPPER OF A FACE PLANT! I have been on egg shells trying to save her cute little face from being marked by the floor, the table and the wall corners. Padded cell? Yes, please. One for her (until she is at least 13 or past the awkward years) and one for me.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Be Thankful For All That You Have

Don't complain that your child didnt want to eat Cheerios for breakfast..Be thankful that your child can take food by mouth

Don't complain when your child is playing a little too loudly...Be thankful that your child is even able to play

Don't complain that you have to juggle an infant carrier and a diaper bag...Be thankful you don't have to carry half of a hospital with you.

Don't complain that your child talks too much...Be thankful that you don't have to jump at the slightest noise from your child to be sure they are still breathing, not choking, or plain alive.

Don't complain that the outfit you bought your child is the wrong color...Be thankful that you can buy almost any outfit for your child without having to worry about how you will work tubing and wires into it.

Don't complain that your child keeps you up at night about once a week...Be thankful you are not kept up every single night by machines beeping or care needing to be done.

Don't complain that your child is a month behind his peers...Be thankful your child is not a year behind his peers.

Don't complain that your child has to wear glasses...Be thankful that your child is even able to see.

Don't complain that your child was splashing in the bath...Be thankful that your child is able to take a bath.

What I Can Do

In the last two weeks, since we have been at the new house, I have noticed that little miss has just taken off developmentally.

She can crawl. Well, she can escape on all fours!

She can pull herself halfway up on any piece of furniture. She can also face plant on any floor just below the furniture that she is pulling up on if mom isn't watching!

She is clapping. Now, babies usually do this when they are smaller so it shouldn't be a big deal for her since she is one year old. But, because of her prematurity, clapping just began and boy is it CUTE!

She loves 'cruisin'. Her little tongue sticks out, her smiles gets really big, and she squeals when you put out two fingers for her to grab...and away she goes! She is even getting good at stepping up a stair or two. And she is still so little, which of course makes it even cuter.

My little miss...she is so amazing.

4 Year Old SAT Words

So Jacob was putting a puzzle together the other day. It was one of those puzzles that has three pieces - a beginning, a middle, and an end - egg, tadpole, frog. He was searching for the end jack-in-the-box when he yells out, "I am so EXASPERATED!" Seriously. My son. My 4 year old son just blurted out an SAT word that I didn't know when I should have. So I call grandma...have to share. She asks him what it which he replys the exact context that he originally said it. Nice. I have a brain on my hands. Nice.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Don't tell me that my gross motor is delayed!

Well, it seems that Kaitrin has used the excitement of our move to jump start her development! The first night in the new house and she stayed up until 10:30. Yes, she is a nosey little bugger. The next day, she decided to pull up on the coffee table. Yikes! She can't even crawl yet and I have to worry about walking! The following day, she decided that she would like (only after I offered) some canned peaches and pears. Those two little teeth are really coming in handy...besides biting my shoulder. Look out growth chart, we have real food being ingested! Now this morning, I look down and she is on all fours crawling towards the TV. Just amazing...she is on the move.