Saturday, August 15, 2009

Armpit Farts, Pull My Fingers, oh my!

Roo's Poo

I am not sure where this comment/quote came from, but every time Kaitrin poops she proudly announces that her "poop is as big as Grandpa's head". Sorry Dad....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I want to go to Saturn!

um...whatcha doing to my brother?

So, on this fine Sunday evening our family was sitting at the table eating grilled burgers. Jacob brought to our attention that his tooth was loose. After eating for a moment, Jacob's screech was heard. Now, if you know Jacob, this particular screech will more than likely have some sort of over-dramatic response following it.

"There's BLOOD, Mom!"

I look over to see his itsy bitsy little tooth hanging from a thread and bleeding.

"Get it out!"

So, I get a paper towel and try to grab the slippery little tooth. The above picture? Jacob's little sister looking in horror at me trying to get the tooth out of his mouth. Terrified, just terrified! Is it bad that I couldn't stop laughing?

Third Tooth Lost!

Roo's Lemon Shake Up

Kaitrin's Slide Ride at the Fair

The Ohio State Fair

This was one of Jacob's favorite rides last year. The second time he went down, he went all by himself!