Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pretty Kitty

Well, we have some bad news. Kitty, our oldest cat, has mouth cancer. I was just informed this morning that even with radiation and removing her bottom jaw bone that she only has a 10% chance of living another year. Kitty has been a great pet. Her loud meow, her playful wrestle, her "licking of the eyebrows" alarm clock and the way she would attack my ponytail will always remain wonderful memories with us. And while I am sure that Nichee will not miss the way she would slam him on the floor and come up with a mouthful of his hair, he will miss her company in their 'snuggle in the sun' ritual every Sunday morning.

Kaitrin has also become fond of Kitty. She follows her around the kitchen until Kitty whines to be let over the baby gate in hopes of escaping the constant poking and squealing of Kaitrin.

And Grant, who gave Kitty her full name of Irene Kitty McFall, always found comfort in brushing her when we lived in Dayton. He also found comfort in putting her in the garage when she meowed so loudly that it kept him awake!

We will continue to watch our girl for any additional issues from this cancer and continue to love her and keep her comfortable.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Kaitrin's the Good Witch

Kaitrin had more fun eating cookies and looking for Ms. Kim than finding candy!

Swimming at CoCoKey

Halloween 2008

Jacob as spiderman next to a toy ghost (no, it's not Kaitrin).


Jacob lost his first tooth in true Kraynek style...while sitting on the toilet! He was a little upset that he missed the sound of the toothfairy's wings, but the money and the fact that he can fit a straw through it made it all better.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

NY Marathon 2008

Congrats to my brother for finishing the NY marathon in 3:16.

Really? If you watch my kids for the next 8 months, I'll train that hard too!

Columbus Marathon 2008

I am waiting for pictures to come in, but the news on the Columbus Marathon is great!

Mike trained. Mike ran. Mike finished! He finished in 2 hours and 13 minutes. Preliminary numbers show that we raised $500 for Kaitrin's Klub. Since we are going into the RSV season, where most families with preemies need help, $500 will go a long way to help pay for medications.

Thanks to everyone who donated (even the ones that were betting against Mike).

(oh, I finished in 2 hours and 3 minutes)