Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kindergarten Round Up!



Pickin' My Battles!

This costume is size 18 months. Kaitrin wears a size 5T.
Today it was 30 degrees outside. Kaitrin wants to wear the costume.
We had to go to Jacob's bass lesson. Kaitrin wants to wear the costume.
Grocery shopping needed to be done. Kaitrin wants to wear the costume.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nerf Tag

While waiting for new paint to go on the wall, what better way to pass the time but to tape the Nerf tag vests up and shoot away! I guess it is better than having Kaitrin constantly shot in the face by "Bad Aim Jacob".

Shirtless Shooter

New Items for Kaitrin's Klub

Nope - I'm not selling the kid, but I am selling the flowers! Kaitrin loves these fabric flower blooms on headbands and clips. See our other flowers at

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Puzzle Fun at the Library

Trying to eat something soft...

I remember getting my expander...and trying to eat a soft donut Dunkin Donuts. Jacob got to have the day off and hang with Mommy so he could learn to chew with his new expander.

Yep - starchy stuff tends to turn into a paste and stick everywhere!

Hopefully a good swish with chocolate milk will help!

The Expander is IN!