Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Joy of Christmas Pictures

This was the best picture out of the 25 that I took! If Kaitrin wasn't crawling off the chair, then Jacob wasn't looking or making a face. How exhausting! Everyone is getting a Fall Pumpkin picture of the kids in the Christmas cards this year...cause I'm not wrestling two kids again for a Ho Ho Ho picture.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Little Roo

I was searching files of pictures that Dad had on his computer and came across this one. I don't have a picture of her this young. My earliest picture is Kaitrin at 3 weeks old. This picture is shortly after she was born. The blue light is a 'bili-light' that helps her bilirubin become more normal...and help her be less orange! The plastic tube around her face is a CPAP which is helping her breath. Shortly afterwards, Kaitrin failed on the CPAP and was fully ventilated because her lungs were not fully developed/working. The tubes are IV's giving her fluids and nourishment. Later during her stay, she had an IV in her head that gave her blood...not the best thing to walk into! The wrap around her arm is to protect the IV. Even though she was only 2 pounds, she would rip out the IV and bleed everywhere. If you look really close to the picture, you can see her mini pacifier...cute now, but not at the time. Not only do the pictures of her being so small bring tears, but also how far she has come. She amazes me everyday...including the day she decided to mountain climb out of her high chair and onto the tray!