Thursday, December 25, 2008

Gotta try out the toys!

Santa brought Kaitrin a musical mat and I had to show her how to use it...really, it was all about me educating her and nothing to do with the fact that I felt like Tom Hanks in BIG.

Christmas Morning

Kaitrin's New Fashion

Kaitrin's therapist has given her a new fashion statement...the vest! Kaitrin is wearing this every day to improve her core strength to hopefully improve her balance and overall strength. Surprisingly, she doesn't mind it that much!

Christmas Eve Fun

Every year Mike and I open our presents on Christmas Eve. So after watching Santa fly over the Atlantic and putting the kids to bed, all we had left to do was put Kaitrin's kitchenette together and open our presents. Just a question - do they have people that I can pay to put these things together? Cause I will start saving for next year's toys. Holy 5000 pieces! Two hours and two glasses of wine later, Kaitrin had a kitchen. Geesh!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cookies Everywhere!

While I was in the midst of Krazy Kraynek Kristmas Kookie baking...I offered Kaitrin some animal crackers to keep her out of the kitchen. And this is what Kaitrin felt I meant by, "Here, have some." At least it kept her busy - filling them up and dumping them out - and all of the Christmas cookies are finished!

Audition II

...and another fine song choice. Whenever Kaitrin can't go outside, whether it's because it's dark, cold, windy, or when it is actually raining, she sings this song.

American Idol Audition I

Kaitrin has started to sing her own little munchkin language of course. I'm not sure what the judges would have a bigger issue with: her unmatching PJs, her hair, and her song choice!