Monday, January 28, 2008

Are you ready for some football?

Well, Kaitrin sure is! She has two phrases ready to yell at the TV during the Super Bowl. For the bad plays, she has a version of Uh-Oh which really comes out It-Oo. For the good plays, she raises her arms straight up in the air and says Touch for Touchdown...and then she claps. Too bad the Steelers aren't playing cause she has the wear and everything. Oh well, kickoff is past her bedtime anyway!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

There is a sick one among us.

When the phone rings and it's the daycare, I usually assume that something is wrong with Jacob. He is the one with the phantom fevers and ongoing ear infections. But this time it was Kaitrin. Is she wheezing? No, she just has a fever of 102 and is acting uncomfortable. Well, this was lovely enough to last for four days...high fever, green boogers, not sleeping...all the fun things that come along with a call from the daycare. So Mike, being the fab hubby that he is, played stay-at-home-dad for four days (including a long drive home from Kentucky). And following suite, it was a reoccurring ear infection with a well needed but totally unwanted shot of antibiotic.

FINALLY! After four days of being red, hot, and crying, Kaitrin is happy, laughing, and back to her old self.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Kaitrin Roo Update

Kaitrin is just growing like a weed! She has hit the big 20 pounds. She has started to finally mumble a resemblance of ma-ma, although it isn't directed towards me at all. She will point to objects if you ask her where they are: Mickey Mouse, Kaitrin's juice, Kaitrin's nose, Kaitrin's hair, Jacob, Kitty, and food. She is even putting together some puzzles that Santa brought her...she either points or puts the shapes/animals back where they belong. And of course she loves her books!

Her strange thing right now...she bites my toes. Yes, she bites. And yes, my toes. Not really sure, but I hope it stops soon!

And the walking thing...she is getting the hang of it but still holds onto one hand. She loves her little walker. I think she likes it more because of the lion on the front than actually walking around with it though.

A Whole New Education

I love, love, love taking Jacob to Whole Foods! He learns so much at the usual grocery store: reading words, colors, etc. But at Whole Foods - we learn really cool stuff! So I decide to pick out a salmon pinwheel for dinner and as we are waiting for them to package it up, Jacob asks what is that Mommy? Well Jacob, it's a stuffed chicken. Well, where the heck is it's head!, he yells. You can't eat the head of the chicken, so they cut it off. He me and all of the other customers awaiting his hysterical 4 year old response...'that sucks'. We also checked out the whole fish and crabs...I thinking that he won't be eating seafood anytime soon. Then the big question of the day...what about beef mommy? Well, beef comes from cows. We eat cows! Gross!

If you ever need a giggle, just come food shopping with us.