Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ride to the Grocery Soccer Mom

I wish I could have recorded this. Me and the munchkins were on our way to Whole Foods - a 20 minute drive. Mind you, we have the DVD player in the backseat but it didn't seem to make a difference.

Jacob: Are we there yet?

Mom: No Jacob. We just left the house. It will be about 20 minutes.

Jacob: That's going to take an hour!

Mom: No Jacob, it'll only take 20 minutes.

Jacob: It'll be one hundred minutes.

Mom: No Jacob, just 20 minutes. Why don't you watch the movie?

Kaitrin: A, B, C, D, E....Momma, I a good singer.

Mom: Yes Kaitrin, you are a good singer.

Kaitrin: I sing more, A, B, C, D...

Jacob: Kaitrin! Stop - you are giving me a headache!

Kaitrin: No Jacob! I a good singer! (singing louder) A, B, C, D, E...

Mom: Jacob, let her sing...put your head phones on and watch the movie.

Jacob: Mom, what's that?

Mom: It's the Budwieser Plant

Jacob: Do they make Bud?

Mom: They make beer - not bud.

Kaitrin: Deer!

Mom: No Kaitrin, Beer not Deer.

Jacob: Uncle Michael likes to drink beer.

Kaitrin: Uncle Michael likes deer.

Mom: No Kaitrin, Uncle Michael likes beer.

Kaitrin: White Tailed Deer!

Jacob: She doesn't know anything, Mom

Mom: Jacob, she's learning. Leave her alone.

Kaitrin: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...

Jacob: Kaitrin! Stop singing!

Kaitrin: Jacob, I smack you butt.

Mom: Kaitrin, hitting isn't nice.

Kaitrin: It funny momma, it funny. Hee hee hee

Jacob: What's that over there?

Kaitrin: What's that?

Jacob: It looks like a tower.

Kaitrin: A tower!

Jacob: Kaitrin! Stop repeating me!

Kaitrin: Repeat me

Jacob: Mommy! Make her stop!

Kaitrin: Make her stop...I smack you butt!

Mom: There is a movie on...someone please watch it....

Jacob: Are we there yet?

Mom: It'll be just a minute Jacob.

Kaitrin: I want a cookie!

Mom: We can buy some at the store Kaitrin.

Jacob: Mommy, I was watching the clock and your minute is up. We aren't at the store. What's up with that?

Mom: We will be there soon. If we go to the right here, it takes us to the zoo.

Kaitrin: The zooooooo! I want go to Zooooo! Zooooo! Zooooo!

Mom: When it gets warmer, Kaitrin.

Kaitrin: Now! Zoo! Please Momma!

Mom: When it gets's too cold today.

Jacob: Maybe we can go in May. I don't think I remember any of the zoo animals Mom.

Mom: They are all the same Jacob, you haven't missed anything since the last time we were there.

Kaitrin: Animals! I see animals!

Mom: Maybe tomorrow Kaitrin.

Jacob: But I have school tomorrow!

Mom: I was just saying Jacob. What do you want to buy at the store?

Jacob: Mango

Kaitrin: Gango! Yucky...disgusting!

Jacob: Na-ah Kaitrin - it's good.

Kaitrin: No Jacob! I smack you butt!

Mom: Where did you learn that Kaitrin?

Kaitrin: Jacob say it.

Mom: Thanks Jacob...

Mom: We are here! Everyone out!

Kaitrin: Get out pokey butt...let's go, now!

Mom: Settle down little Miss Bossy...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kaitrin's Caterpillar

Kaitrin made this caterpillar at school the other day. I asked her what his name was...and she proudly responds, "Metamorphosis."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Chef Jacob made a special dessert for Daddy's birthday - Ice Cream Pie! He used a chocolate cookie crust and filled it with fudge sauce and oreo cookie ice cream. He then topped the pie off with full scoops of ice cream and oreo cookies around the edge. After we finished singing and before plating this scrumptious dessert, Jacob garnished the slices with chocolate sauce and blue sprinkles.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Jacob and Baby Kaitrin

Jacob's Baby

Jacob and the picture of his new baby.

Jacob Digging

Another old video of Jacob. This one is in Dayton and he is digging in Mike's beautiful garden. As I was looking at these old videos, I realized just how much I miss that backyard!

Jacob in Daddy's Boat

More vintage video of Jacob...

Vintage Jacob Video - Watering

This is our house in Dayton. Jacob loved to water. It's actually how we got him potty trained...let him water the garden in big boy underwear in the yard. Better than peeing on the tree in the front yard!

Cats in the Dryer

This is a vintage Jacob video from the beach when he was 2. Uncle Michael taught him to say that you put cats in the dryer. Thanks Michael!