Thursday, December 25, 2008

Gotta try out the toys!

Santa brought Kaitrin a musical mat and I had to show her how to use it...really, it was all about me educating her and nothing to do with the fact that I felt like Tom Hanks in BIG.

Christmas Morning

Kaitrin's New Fashion

Kaitrin's therapist has given her a new fashion statement...the vest! Kaitrin is wearing this every day to improve her core strength to hopefully improve her balance and overall strength. Surprisingly, she doesn't mind it that much!

Christmas Eve Fun

Every year Mike and I open our presents on Christmas Eve. So after watching Santa fly over the Atlantic and putting the kids to bed, all we had left to do was put Kaitrin's kitchenette together and open our presents. Just a question - do they have people that I can pay to put these things together? Cause I will start saving for next year's toys. Holy 5000 pieces! Two hours and two glasses of wine later, Kaitrin had a kitchen. Geesh!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cookies Everywhere!

While I was in the midst of Krazy Kraynek Kristmas Kookie baking...I offered Kaitrin some animal crackers to keep her out of the kitchen. And this is what Kaitrin felt I meant by, "Here, have some." At least it kept her busy - filling them up and dumping them out - and all of the Christmas cookies are finished!

Audition II

...and another fine song choice. Whenever Kaitrin can't go outside, whether it's because it's dark, cold, windy, or when it is actually raining, she sings this song.

American Idol Audition I

Kaitrin has started to sing her own little munchkin language of course. I'm not sure what the judges would have a bigger issue with: her unmatching PJs, her hair, and her song choice!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pretty Kitty

Well, we have some bad news. Kitty, our oldest cat, has mouth cancer. I was just informed this morning that even with radiation and removing her bottom jaw bone that she only has a 10% chance of living another year. Kitty has been a great pet. Her loud meow, her playful wrestle, her "licking of the eyebrows" alarm clock and the way she would attack my ponytail will always remain wonderful memories with us. And while I am sure that Nichee will not miss the way she would slam him on the floor and come up with a mouthful of his hair, he will miss her company in their 'snuggle in the sun' ritual every Sunday morning.

Kaitrin has also become fond of Kitty. She follows her around the kitchen until Kitty whines to be let over the baby gate in hopes of escaping the constant poking and squealing of Kaitrin.

And Grant, who gave Kitty her full name of Irene Kitty McFall, always found comfort in brushing her when we lived in Dayton. He also found comfort in putting her in the garage when she meowed so loudly that it kept him awake!

We will continue to watch our girl for any additional issues from this cancer and continue to love her and keep her comfortable.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Kaitrin's the Good Witch

Kaitrin had more fun eating cookies and looking for Ms. Kim than finding candy!

Swimming at CoCoKey

Halloween 2008

Jacob as spiderman next to a toy ghost (no, it's not Kaitrin).


Jacob lost his first tooth in true Kraynek style...while sitting on the toilet! He was a little upset that he missed the sound of the toothfairy's wings, but the money and the fact that he can fit a straw through it made it all better.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

NY Marathon 2008

Congrats to my brother for finishing the NY marathon in 3:16.

Really? If you watch my kids for the next 8 months, I'll train that hard too!

Columbus Marathon 2008

I am waiting for pictures to come in, but the news on the Columbus Marathon is great!

Mike trained. Mike ran. Mike finished! He finished in 2 hours and 13 minutes. Preliminary numbers show that we raised $500 for Kaitrin's Klub. Since we are going into the RSV season, where most families with preemies need help, $500 will go a long way to help pay for medications.

Thanks to everyone who donated (even the ones that were betting against Mike).

(oh, I finished in 2 hours and 3 minutes)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

In the News - Preemies & Autism

Study: 25% of very premature babies show autism signs -
Of toddlers finds that about one-quarter of babies born very prematurely had signs of autism

In the News - Computers to Help Preemies

Computer program to help premature babies - ABC News
Computer program to help premature babies. Source: ABC News. Published: Friday, September 5, 2008

In the News - Higher Death Rates & Fertility

Study: Premature Babies Have Higher Death Rate And Fertility Problems ...
Study: Premature Babies Have Higher Death Rate And Fertility Problems October 5, 2008

In the News - Sound Monitors

Sound Monitors Protect Premature Babies
Article:Sound Monitors Protect Premature Babies

In the News - NY Program for Preemies

NY1 24 Hour Local News Top Stories City Launches New Program For ...
04/23/2008 City Launches New Program For Premature Babies.

In the News - Overall Preemie Info

MedlinePlus: Premature Babies
Latest News. Hard Decisions for the Littlest Lives(10/01/2008, HealthDay)

In the News - KY Premature Deaths

The Premature Baby Battle
Sep 22, 2008 - High rate of premature deaths in KY

Pretty in Pink at the Pumpkin Patch

And down they go...

Jacob went down the slide about 100 times...and took a few tons of straw home with him in his clothes.

Kaitrin loves, loves, loves the slide!

Jacob's Pumpkin

The "hugest pumpkin ever, in like one hundred years"!

Well, maybe I'll take this other one too...

Pumpkin Pickin'

No Kaitrin, that one is too small!

That's better! Now find Daddy to carry it back to the wagon.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

And so it begins...

The first ear infection of the season! Kaitrin has been tugging at her right ear for a few days. Since she was stuffy, I figured and it was just pressure and what not. Yeah, not so much since the fever came on. The beginning to a long season!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Little Kaitrin at Development Clinic

This is an old picture from Kaitrin's first trip to the development clinic. I thought that she was so adorable in her hospital gown...she didn't fit into a gown or any clothes when she was in the NICU!

Pizza! Pizza!

We have found that if we cut Kaitrin's pizza into bite sized pieces (even though she shoves 10 pieces in her mouth at once) that she refuses to eat. Who knew that she just wanted to be a big girl!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Idlewild Park

We took the kids to Idlewild Park on Sunday. For a boy that hates water, my son sure didn't mind dragging me onto the log jammer ride. Since the State Fair, he has wanted to continue riding rollercoaster type rides...and I was chosen as his "co-pilot".

Smiling for Grandpa

Kaitrin is smiling for Grandpa. She loved asking, "Where's Grandpa?" She had so much fun playing with everyone...walking, puzzles, and hiding in the closet were some of her favorites!

Miss Messy

Jacob's First Day

With a big cheesy smile, Jacob has his new Ben 10 backpack and his Cars umbrella and is headed to class. Amazingly enough, Mom did not could I? Jacob kept yelling back at me to go home because he was a big boy and could find his classroom all by himself. He only made two wrong turns before he got there. Luckily, his new "girlfriend" is in all day kindergarten and will be able to show him where the bus is for the ride home!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Black Wednesday

Jacob's school has a color system for their disciplinary action. Green is the best, then yellow, then some other couple colors until you get to black. Black is a note home...and a walk of shame to the director's office.

Well after a great first day at kindergarten, we decided to take Jacob out to dinner to celebrate. We came home like usual and began to wind down for bed time. I unloaded the backpacks, only to find a note to the attention of : Parents of Jacob McFall. This doesn't sound goes on the describe that Jacob was put on black today because of his "potty" mouth. An instant terror came over me. The terror was not because Jacob used potty words, but which potty words did he use?

I yell, "JACOB MCFALL": He then looked and saw that I had his backpack...he knew.
I asked some questions, such as: what did you do to get on black?
Jacob said, "potty words"
I asked, "what potty words did you say, Jacob? (as I cringe waiting for some four letter word to come out of his mouth)"
Jacob said, "poo poo, pee pee and toilet" (so she was literal when she said "potty' words)
I then asked, "why did you not listen when your teacher said to stop saying them?"
Jacob paused, thought quickly and responded. "Well, Daddy didn't clean my ears well enough last night and I have cucky in them, so I couldn't hear my teacher.

Really? He came up with 'my ears were full of wax'? How proud!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another First

No, Kaitrin didn't start doing anything new...Mom did. Mom learned, if only for three hours, to trust a babysitter! Today was Kaitrin's first day with a babysitter (outside of daycare) in our house while Mike took Jacob to a birthday party and I went into work. I stayed pretty cool...I think!

I remember when I was the neighborhood babysitter...parents close by, babysitting class certificate in hand, and a shared love for fruit roll ups!

Rainy Day Fun

After the surprise of the rain set in, after the Scooby-Doo vs Diego battle, and after eating every Ritz Bitz in the box...the kids resort to hiding (and giggling) under the blankets.

Remote Princess

Control of the Remote

This is Kaitrin attempting to recover the stolen remote in the middle of the Scooby-Doo vs Diego battle.

SPOILER ALERT: Kaitrin wins!

WHAT? It's raining outside!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

This is a video of Kaitrin and I having dessert. Since she did not know the camera was on her, I tried my hardest to have her say things. She has been doing well with recognizing faces and placing them with names. Grandma made a photo book for Jacob when he was younger and we lived further away...Kaitrin loves it!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

In the News - Later in Life Problems

In the News - New Heart Monitor for Preemies

In the News - First IVF Baby Turns 30

In the News - Longer SIDS Risk

In the News - Better Diagnosis for Preeclampsia

Go Orange!

Jacob is in the middle...punching and kicking his heart out. He broke two boards: one with his elbow and one with his foot. Forget those team sports. Who needs 'em? Jacob sure can't handle them, but seems to be kicking butt at individual sports. He tested today and received his orange belt (and got an 'orange belt present' of a Ben 10 backpack) and is so thrilled with himself. Speaking on individual sports, he is loving tennis too (and not just because his 'love' is playing!).

Ready for the Poker Tour

I think I have said before that Jacob can play some serious poker, but every time I watch him play I feel this weird sense of pride. No, it probably isn't the best thing for him to be doing...betting 'money' and all. No, I hope he doesn't go into Kindergarten and teach his friends how to play. But really, how strategic is it for him to play poker on my phone in the dentist waiting room and win 2K or play at the kitchen table and beat his dad! And he doesn't ask for help!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In the News - Life Support Pouch

This is a new pouch, that they are using over seas, to help hold babies body temperature and allowing docs to see baby through the clear plastic.

In the News - Shy Preemies

Shy because you were a preemie? Kaitrin sure does not fit into this majority!

In the News - About Preemies

This is a good link if you have never seen pictures of a preemie. Almost all but the helicopter picture come back to my mind when thinking of our experience.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jacob and His Bird

If it's Sunday and 10:00, Jacob is feeding the birds at the zoo. Every Sunday we have been going to the zoo to see a different section, except the birds. Each Sunday, as this exhibit opens, we are there paying our dollar for coconut milk. Jacob has done very well holding still as these loud, but beautiful birds slurp down the milk. I have limited him to just two cups per visit...Kaitrin thinks they are too loud and we would be there all day...or at least until I ran out of ones!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yum Strawberries

Kaitrin and I were trotting around the yard while Jacob was riding his bike. Kaitrin noticed the small berry patch by the deck. She went running over and picked some red strawberries. "Yum Strawberries" She began to cry because I made her go to the hose to wash them off. The tears vanished as she piled all three into her mouth, juice running down her chin, saying YUM. When she finished, she went running back to pick more...

Zoo Trip

For those of you who really know our family, the kids and I go to the zoo on Sunday morning while Mike goes fishing. Well, today at the zoo, we went to the Australian section. Jacob bought a cup of food and went into the bird cage. He was very calm as two birds flew over and landed on his arms. He even held still as the birds sat and ate. We are just going to have to remember the camera next Sunday!

Summer 2007

I took this picture last year when we moved into our new house. Kaitrin's hair was so short and she had such chubby cheeks! She also wasn't walking or talking things have changed!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

In the News - Heparin Overdose

CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex., July 10 -- Twin premature babies, a brother andsister, have died in the wake of a heparin overdose at a Level III neonatalintensive care unit here.

http://www.medpaget PublicHealthPoli cy/PublicHealth/ tb/10081

Thursday, July 10, 2008

You Got to Move It Move It

Jacob - in his tye-dyed fourth of July shirt - went to his first movie, Kung Fu Panda. I'm not sure what he liked better...going out to lunch (and picking the restaurant all by himself), going to his first movie, or eating an entire bag of popcorn!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kaitrin's 2nd Birthday

I wanted to thank everyone that called or emailed me yesterday to check on me. I have been pretty worried about Kaitrin's 2nd birthday...sadness and bad memories. I have been remembering that horrible drug that made every inch of me hot and my eyes cross. I recall the way Dr Morales (the doc of all that is wonderful and in Dayton Ohio if anyone is looking for a fabulous gyn) asked me, "Are you crying because you are in pain or because you are scared?" Which inadvertently sent my brain back to soccer camp where our coach would yell, "Are you a player or a quitter? There's just two, now CHOOSE!" I tried so hard to dig deep and fight off the pain, but in the end, the contractions won...despite every shot in the ass I could take. After she was born I faintly remember the NNP coming to my room in the middle of the night with my nurse. The fear from down deep that told me that they were there with the most horrible of news...only to tell me that Kaitrin had to go back on the vent. I think they had to tell me twice because the first time I only heard a bunch of blah blah blah. The endless times that we attended rounds (with no different news, we would just hound the docs), the weight sheet that we seemed to be glued to, the mass amount of breastmilk stored in the freezer, and that hideous alarm from the monitors.

Now putting all of these memories aside ( because they will never fully disappear) I have a new memory from today. I woke Kaitrin up on her 2nd birthday and dressed her in a pretty pink birthday outfit. I put her long hair into ponytails and packed her into the car. Off to school we go. At the entrance to her classroom, she kissed me goodbye and ran over to her friends to play. Really? How can I be sad? I just saw my little girl run over to play with her friends. Two years ago I would have never guessed it. I would have never been able to see past the isolette, the tubes, the vent, or even the fact that Kaitrins was no bigger than a beanie baby. But today, today is a new day. Today Kaitrin can use sign language, walk on her own, feed herself, splash in the pool...pretty much do whatever she wants to do. And an even better end to her birthday? Kaitrin is moving up to the early preschool room because she has "COMPLETED THE TODDLER PROGRAM". How proud to see that on her daily report! No tears today...just pride in my little pumpkin butt!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Little Miss Water Baby

We haven't had the water issues with Kaitrin that we had with Jacob. Kaitrin must have been a mermaid in a former life. She loves the bath, she loves the hose, and she loves the pool! She could be fully clothed and wants to climb into the pool. She just absolutely loves the water!

Jacob is Getting so Big

I don't know how it happened, but Jacob has finally gotten over his fear of water. He loves his new pool - splashing, sliding in the water, and jumping in. We have even gone as far as showering! Jacob is so very proud to be showering, getting his hair wet, and washing his own face. He also has his big boy bike from Grandma and Grandpa...and his black Razor helmet!

Kaitrin's 2nd Birthday

In her pretty pink birthday outfit, Kaitrin loved her Diego birthday party, her jungle cake, and Max's birthday card.

Kaitrin's Jungle Cake

Friday, June 27, 2008

In the News - High-Tech Wombs

... Associated Press April 24, 2008 New York City's public hospitals are launching a $3 million effort to simulate high-tech wombs for premature babies. The initiative includes low lights and special sound monitors that flash when a neonatal unit gets too noisy for its tiny ...

In the News - A New Model for Care

... A New Model for the Care of Premature Babies By RACHEL SHANNON-SOLOMON, Special to the Sun June 9, 2008 Stephanie Sorrentino developed a close relationship with her ...

In the News - Alzheimer's Drug

Alzheimer's Drug May Reduce Preemie Brain Injury Memantine could protect newborns with compromised blood, oxygen supply,study suggests.

http://healthfinder .gov/news/ newsstory. asp?Docid= 616779

In the News - Pain Score

How Pain Scores In Babies Article Date: 24 Jun 2008 - 2:00 PDT

CP Information

http://www.ninds. s/cerebral_ palsy/detail_ cerebral_ palsy.htm

Friday, June 20, 2008

In the News

Preemie puzzle HEALTH Federal study probes spike in early births -- pre-term babies canface lifelong challenges June 17, 2008

http://www.suntimes .com/news/ 1009064,CST- NWS-preemie17. article

In the News

What's Behind The Preemie Trend? As Premature Birth Numbers Soar, Experts Look For Ways To Stop It NEW YORK, June 16, 2008

http://www.cbsnews. com/stories/ 2008/06/16/ eveningnews/ main4185482. shtml

In the News

Surgeon General's Conference Aims To Develop National Strategy To PreventPremature Births Main Category: Pregnancy / Obstetrics Also Included In: Pediatrics / Children's Health Article Date: 18 Jun 2008 - 5:00 PDT

http://www.medicaln ewstoday. com/articles/ 111713.php

In the News

New Test Could Aid Children Suffering From Reflux Disease Main Category: Pediatrics / Children's Health Also Included In: Acid Reflux/GERD; Radiology / Nuclear Medicine; Respiratory / Asthma Article Date: 18 Jun 2008 - 7:00 PDT

http://www.medicaln ewstoday. com/articles/ 111802.php

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kinkle Kinkle Wittle Stah

Yes. This is how she sings it. Kinkle Kinkle Wittle Stah. Freakin adorable!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In the News

Nursing Newborns to Health

Children's Hospital doctor is honored for urging premature babies' mothersto breast-feed. Numbers are growing.

http://www.ohio. com/news/ top_stories/ 19706324. html

In the News

Oxygen-Rich Lifesaving Efforts Pose Risk for Respiratory Infections

Each year, thousands of premature infants battle to breathe. Thanks to life-saving interventions developed in the past couple decades, steroids given to their mothers to stall pre-term labor, mechanical ventilation, air enriched with extra oxygen, and surfactant, a crucial wetting agent that makes breathing less work - most of these newborns survive with enough lungfunction to grow and go home.

https://urmc. edu/pr/news/ story.cfm? id=2032

In the News

Mothers give the (breast) milk of human kindness Raleigh hospital seeks donations as milk bank supply drops during summervacations.

http://www.charlott story/671769. html

Monday, June 16, 2008

The IV Incident

I blame it on the fact that Kaitrin's birthday is coming up...the weird memories. Every once in a while I will drift into a day dream or pull a memory from deep in my brain. And every once in a while it is a weird memory from our NICU experience. In the last week or so, this one continues to come and haunt me. My mom, Jacob and I went to see Kaitrin in the hospital...well, mom took Jacob to Wendy's while I went in to see Kaitrin. As I was leaving, she pulled her IV out. Kaitrin was always very against her tubing, whether it was her vent, her IV, or her feeding tube...she felt that she could do without them. The nurse, busy or not thinking, asked me to calm her as she inserted another IV. Sure, I'm the mom. Sure, I would do that for Jacob (heck, I'd calm Mike if I needed to). Have you ever seen a baby, with no breathing function and no voice cry? Well it is heart breaking. Her arms are stretched out, her back is arched, and her mouth is open to scream and cry with no sound coming out. The nurse finally gets it on the third try. The worst part? There was a wall of plastic between my child and me. I couldn't even calm her with a hug or a cuddle.

In the News

Parents of sextuplets given blood lose their religious court fight Module body
Fri Jun 13, 9:10 PM s/capress/ 080613/national/ sextuplets_ seized

Saturday, June 14, 2008

In the News

Born too soon: Can tiny fighters make it home?
By JAIME ARON, Associated Press Writer
Sun Jun 15, 12:25 PM ET DALLAS - Seventeen weeks premature, our twin sons were so small, so fragile.And already they'd been through so much.

http://news. s/ap/20080615/ ap_on_re_ us/born_too_ soon_ii

Yellow Belt

Jacob in his yellow belt. He had to 'break a board' to get the belt. When he hit the board with his elbow, he said, "Ouch. Are you serious?" He hit it two more time and it 'broke'. He loves karate!

First Field Trip of Summer Camp

Jacob went to a fruit farm for his first field trip of summer camp. He was so excited to ride the bus! He said that he had his teacher pick most of the strawberries because the leaves were too scratchy. In the picture, he is showing "the biggest strawberry EVER!"

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In the News

Increase in late preterm births worries physiciansTHOMAS H. MAUGH II; Los Angeles Times Published: May 29th, 2008 01:00 AM

http://www.thenewst news/nationworld /story/375265. html

In the News

CDC Study Ties Low-Birth Weight to Increased Autism Risk Tuesday, June 03, 2008 http://www.foxnews. com/story/ 0,2933,362143, 00.html

Monday, June 2, 2008


Yes - she pulls them apart and eats the cream from the middle.

Water Baby

Even if she is just walking past, she has to stop and see if the hose has water. And good LORD if there is water...Kaitrin will be soaked from head to toe for the next hour. She gets her hands wet. She sits in the water. She will even stand under the water flow. Crazy little water baby!

Now, this is a huge change from Jacob...for those of you who don't know him, there is terror in the water! He doesn't want water on his clothes, his shoes, his hair, or his face. During splash days at school, he plays in the sand box and stays as far as he possibly can from any water (even the drinking fountain).


No she isn't exactly 22 pounds yet, but she'll only about 8 ounces away from it!
She LOVES watching Nemo on the DVD (which totally saved us on the way to Indiana).
Yes mom, I will change the straps to the opening below so they fit her better.

Founder's Day

I want a spider!
A small spider on your cheek?
No! A big spider all over my face!

Bad Mom?

I know that under any other circumstances I would be a horrible mom if I forgot my child's birthday. Who forgets the day that their only daughter was born? Who can't remember one day? One simple date in a year? Well, a mom who had a horrible pregnancy. A mom who was terrified the day that her daughter was born. A mom who wasn't sure if her only daughter was going to live through the night. It's not the happiest a days...almost, easy to forget. The date I do remember? October 12th. The day that she was supposed to be born. September 19th. The day I finally got to bring her home. Home. That is a day to celebrate.

So when the 4th of July rolls around, I first think about the kids being home from school. Then my mind wonders about the 4th in 2006 when I had to go back to the hospital. Then I remember it's Kaitrin's birthday on the 7th. And the 'bad mom' feeling comes over do I think of my daughters day after all of those things...almost forgetting it.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Gab Gab Gab

Well, Miss Jabber Jaws loves to talk to everyone in the grocery store! Hi...Hi...Hi...

She also enjoys pointing out colors and foods...a fun mini game of I-spy which always ends in, "There it is!" Pretty cute coming out of her too..."There it is!"

She is counting to 10 (but forgetting the number eight). And she has been singing Old MacDonald...well just the EEI, EEI, O...but it's still pretty funny!

And for her grand finale, she was looking at a color book and saying butterfly...which she does often...but then turns to Katie and says "Miss Katie". You just never know what is going to come out of her mouth!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Second Child

I have heard many people say that preemies have stronger personalities than full termers because they have had more obstacles, more challenges, and more to prove. Kaitrin - check.

Nothing like being fearless. We have found a new hobby that I can only refer to as climbing. We like to climb stairs standing up (mind you that she only started walking about a month ago). We like to climb onto step stools to reach items on the counters. We like to try and climb into the bathtub alone. We even (with the shortest legs ever) like to climb up and jump on the couch.

And for the adventurous...Kaitrin loves to explore. Digging in dirt, burying her shoes in the dirt, covering her skirt in dirt, thank goodness she hasn't eaten the dirt. And in the same breath, she found the hose...a turned on hose. She sat right down in the water. She rolled in it. She splashed in it. She successfully made mud with it. She even found the end of the hose and decided to have the flowing water soak her shirt. Bath time baby!

Indiana or Bust

This weekend, well just Friday, we drove to Indiana for a Vow Renewal. I was a little nervous about the drive - two kids and all. Thinking that Kaitrin would be more relaxed, we turned her car seat around so that she could see everyone and the DVD player. Wouldn't ya know the little stinker slept the whole way out on Friday and the whole way back on Saturday!

The Vow Renewal was just beautiful. Mike's brother and wife have been married for 20 years. My father-in-law performed the service, their kids were a part of the ceremony, old pictures and new pictures were everywhere...just a perfect evening to celebrate their marriage. And as most of you that know me...I am a total cry baby, so my helpful daughter escaped many times to let mom work around the tears.

Kaitrin was almost infatuated with the stairs in the Hall that we were in. She just couldn't get enough of climbing up and down the the tune of about 23! And this was no crawling matter...oh, no...we went total big girl! There was handrail holding, mommy hand holding, and announcing every step with a "sep, sep". She was just a little stair climbing fool...which also had her sleeping by 8:00, but who was really paying attention?

Jacob was most thrilled about the hotel having a pool and going out to IHOP for breakfast. Issue number 1 - pool was outside. Now, had Mike's family lived in issue, but Indiana was a big 'not so much'. Issues number 2 - all he wanted was pancakes. After some convincing, he decided that going to Uncle Gary's party might be cool, and the mass amount of Jelly Bellys didn't hurt either...thanks Gary!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Go Diego Go

We attempted to take both children to the GO DIEGO GO show at the theater. Surprisingly, Kaitrin did a pretty good job at holding still through the first act. The second act? She conned daddy into buying her an over priced DORA doll!

Jacob said that he was nervous at first because he wasn't sure what DIEGO was going to look like. He wasn't really thrilled with how loud all of the kids were. But a big positive - he conned daddy into buying some light up toys! All in all, a good time had by the kids...which is all that matters anyway!

Founder's Day

Jacob saw his first parade on Saturday. He and his friend were pretty confused as to why they were allowed to run into the street for candy. "But, I'm not allowed to run into the street Mommy." After explaining the concept of a parade, Jacob was on his A-game and ready to take all the candy that he could get. He even had the garbage truck honk the horn at him because he couldn't leave any one piece of candy on the ground!

He went to the fair afterwards and got his face painted as a spider. And not any little spider, but a spider that took up his whole face (and a lovely time cleaning that off!).

So many words, no enough time

Kaitrin just keeps saying more and more words. When I went to pick her up from school today, the teacher was showing Kaitrin flashcards. Little bugger said "Cow", "Soft", "Sand", "Flag", "Hi", "Blue", and "Green". She used sign language as she spoke.

Last night at dinner she mumbled "all done" as she signed it too. And of course everything is in her cute little munchkin voice...


On Friday, Kaitrin finally said "Ma-Ma!" I had to keep asking her just to make sure that is what she said.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jabber Jaws

More words just keep coming! She proudly points out the color 'boo' and 'grn'. She yells 'too' at the TV when Mickey Mouse counts. She announces that she wants to watch Dora the Explorer by pointing to the TV and saying 'doooor-a'. And I even heard a 'all dun' yesterday at dinner.

But she refuses to say Ma-Ma.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Yes, he is sitting on the toilet. Yes, he is reading a book on the toilet. And yes, the book is the story of Jesus.

Jacob and I are driving to Gordon's last weekend. For those of you who don't know, Gordon's is a food service store that sells bulk items for those of us who completely forget to order it for work. I ask Jacob if he wants to get anything from Gordon's for the house. He says that he has something in mind that we need. Cookies? Nope. Pretzels? Nope. "I think that we need some new toilet seats, Mom" Really Jacob, because they only sell food there. "But what about the things on the sink that give us water?" A faucet? "Yes, we need some new ones of those, too."