Little Miss has had the same cold for three weeks now. Just in the last day it has turned to a runny nose and lots of snoring at night. Last night, around 9:00, I was washing my face and heard
Kaitrin start to cough. The coughing turned to hacking which turned to wheezing. I ran into her room and opened her PJ's to find her struggling really hard to breath - not necessarily the type of night time happenings that I was hoping for. After calling my mom, the doc, and my husband - I made the decision to call 911.
We headed to Children's with a O2 mask and breathing treatment on her, more breathing treatments and steroids in the ER, x-rays, and last but not least - admission! Although I was dreading the sleep on the hospital couch, I think
Kaitrin was so happy to have people stop poking her until 2am that she crashed in her little cage (if you haven't ever seen a hospital crib then you are probably thinking that I took her to the vet).
We were discharged this afternoon on breathing treatments, which she is taking much better in the comfort of her own home. She is sleeping peacefully now. I am hoping that this will be our last ambulance ride. For a
claustrophobic, motion sick, freaked out mom - it's not something that I would recommend as a
roller coaster substitute.
However - trying to make a negative into a positive, sort of, I would like to say how wonderful the response time of the paramedics was, how helpful and calming they were, and how awesome the docs and nurses were at Children's.